Carb loading, pick up and pee, back in synch, full load, make sense?

Last night Cindy and I met our friend Alfred for dinner at an Italian restaurant I never frequented before.  I figured since I was going to be not eating again until 10am or later the next day I might as well load up.  I did exactly that, downing a plate of spaghetti with shrimp along with two rolls and splitting some chocolate cake for desert. I went full pig mode.

Getting up today and not eating breakfast was odd but not overly difficult.  My 9:15 blood draw went as well as such a thing can go for me.  Having my blood forceably removed from my body has never been something I react well to.  Despite my best intentions I always break out in a cold sweat and feel light headed during the process.

I had the longest weighing session of my entire life.  The woman had an incredibly difficult time getting the old slide style scale to balance out correctly.  I literally was on the scale 5 minutes until she clicked me in at 182 pounds.  My blood pressure came in at 126/74 which is normal by most markers nowadays although I have heard 120/80 is sometimes considered the top end of “normal”.

Nicki has developed another one of her numerous quirks.  You may recall awhile back I described how I started giving Nicki “elevator rides” at Ali’s place, scooping her up and carrying her up/down the steps.  My intention was to save Nicki from working her aching back legs more than necessary.

Well a few weeks ago Nicki started acting like picking her up was a punishment and if I tried to pick her up or even if she thought I might, she would pee.  It’s crazy.  I have had to clean up pee at the bottom of Ali’s stairs multiple times and had my foot peed on a couple times when I was lifting her into the van.

Last night when I got home the dogs followed me into the bedroom.  I was thinking about picking Nicki up and putting her on the bed.  Before her legs got bad she always loved hopping on the bed after work where I would give both her and Sadie rubdowns.  All I had to do was say, “Nicki do you want me to lift you on the bed??!!”.  She peed, fearful of me grabbing her.  Nicki has so many weird hangups.  Not only are they numerous, they shift around on a regular basis.

Earlier this week I talked about how I got my beloved Casio G-Shock to once again synch the atomic time, after failing to do so for around 10 months.  Well a weird thing has happened.  Since doing that manual synch with the watch by the window it has now picked up doing nightly time synchs on its own, even with it laying haphazardly in the junk basket on my dresser.  I guess it just needed a kick in the ass.

Last night I made several more Vines.  For whatever reason when Cindy is around my weirdness level clicks up a couple notches.  If you need proof just look at my twitter feed.

Ok the good news is I have a three day weekend coming up thanks to the wonders of being a local government employee that gets Veterans Day off.  The bad news is I have plans to fill a lot of that time with a SHITLOAD of work.

I am targeting this weekend for the dreaded annual tree trimming event where I trim 25+ trees on the property.  It is ass busting work in every way imaginable.  The plan is for me to do all of the lopping and cutting at one time and then have Cindy assist me with picking all the shit up, throwing it in the Tacoma, and dumping it in the fill pit.

My to do list has many other items on it as well, highlighted by amending/tilling the garden, hanging the bedroom tv/sound bar on the wall, and four or five other chores.  Thankfully Cindy got a good chunk of the mowing done before I got home from work which I finished up via tractor headlights before we went out to eat.

Despite the task heavy 3 day weekend I also am planning to mix in fun things like going to see Thor, a DD bike ride and maybe taking the girls for a walk at the swamp.