Busy boy

The beehive of race related activity started in earnest yesterday.  I sent out an email to all registered participants for the Thanksgiving race and immediately started getting inundated with emails from people with questions, many of which the answers to were in the email they were responding to.  It’s frustrating and annoying, but as the main communication outlet for the race I did my best to just take a deep breath and answer the questions quickly and politely, without a hint of sarcasm.

After work I had to stop at the running store to drop off the supplies for the two days of early packet pick up at the store.  That included unpacking and boxing up 2000 race timing bibs.  I had one more stop on the way home, I wound up not getting home until almost 7 pm.  I had more race stuff to do on the computer and again more to do this morning before work.  This process will be rinse and repeat for the next three days.