Working and Vining

1513330_10153659287730184_1201565803_n[1]So last night I had more packet prep to do.  I downloaded the names of everybody that registered for the race since Friday night and created labels for them.  I then had to affix the labels to the respective packet that just had a number on it previously.  There were more than 100 packets I had to label up.

On the way home I also stopped and bought 200 more 9×12 packets, just to be safe.  I have less than 100 to go until I hit packet number 2500.  Tonight Cindy and I will be working on creating the additional packets, fun.

I had not been doing hardly any Vining recently.  I either was lacking inspiration or just busy with other things.  Well last night I had a burst of Vines, something that seems to normally happen, you never do just one.  I think I made 5 or 6 of them.  As always they are viewable via the Vine app or my Twitter page.

Last night I also did some more messing around streaming Hearthstone utilizing Xsplit and  I think it worked but nobody was in my channel to see. 🙁  Here is my Twitch channel.