Frost armor

1010410_10152734239452841_258015022_n[1]Last night it dropped down into the kill zone outside.  When I woke up the outdoor thermometer was hovering in the 38-39 degree area.  Cindy was again off yesterday and was nice enough to cover the most sensitive things on the property.  I was amazed at how well she protected the banana trees, which are probably the most cold sensitive thing on the property.  If they die back after that sort of insulation I am just going to pull them out. Cindy did an equally good job of covering up the garden with frost cloth.

It looks like last night was probably the coldest of the next 4 cold days on tap but I am not going to pull the covers until the forecast is clear of predicted overnight lows of 45 degrees or less.

Yesterday was filled with half marathon/running club related work.  This will only intensify the next couple days.  Tonight I am heading right from work to packet pick up and then Saturday I will be spending a good chunk of my time there as well.

It’s times like these where I am glad that I am one of those no good, lazy government workers that gets MLK day off. I need a mental health day after half marathon weekend.