Partner in crime, black and blue, what’s your name

10409156_10152971955497841_5828769767438012914_n[1]So last night I added a new dimension to my Diablo 3 play by doing some co-operative monster smashing with Cindy.  After loading up the game on my laptop she got into the game and started smashing face with her female monk, appropriately named Happy Feet.  It took Cindy a little while to get the hang of things but once she did she was having a lot of fun.  She especially enjoyed the constantly evolving weapon/armor upgrades, allowing her to make her character continually more bad ass.

My crusader is a higher level so I did a lot of hanging back and just letting Cindy destroy things, only stepping in if I was bored or if there were a lot of things to smash. She went from level 0 to 8 in 90 minutes or so that we played.  It was a lot of fun for both of us.  I’m hoping she is willing to do so more co-op play with me going forward.

After work I was in the bar park doing some stuff, the highlight being 3 muscle ups without coming off the bar, the first time I did that in quite some time.  Another move I pulled off  was10374002_10152971045532841_1694461894839193561_n[1] my cool looking but not overly difficult pole hold.  When I came down out of it I somehow managed to drive the big toe on my left foot straight into the ground, jamming it badly.  By the end of the night it was swollen, sore to the touch and black and blue.

988866_10152971975527841_8178309991651536202_n[1]This morning I noticed another nasty looking bruise on my right forearm near the elbow.  I have absolutely no idea where this one came from.  From the looks of it I would have had to hit something or something hit me quite hard to cause it.  Of course with my memory nowadays who knows.

Speaking of memory, yesterday I had a ridiculous example of my brain locking up.  On one of the various tv’s at the gym ESPN was tuned in.  The show that was on had a guest panel member, Hugh Jackman, as part of the promo for the new X-men movie this weekend.  There was only one problem, I couldn’t remember Hugh’s name.  My brain was racing, “Wolverine Guy”, “Josh Eaton”, “What the fck is wrong with me…” were all things going through my head as I was desperately trying to recall the name.

The entire time I was at the gym I could not remember his name and I certainly wasn’t going to embarrass myself by asking someone there.  This is something that hits me now and then, names I should know and know easily suddenly become locked up in mental vault for no reason at all.  Later in the afternoon I thought about it again and his name came flowing easily to me this time.  I have had similar problems remembering the name of Samuel L Jackson, who may be in more movies than any other human being on the planet.

Old age isn’t for wimps.