
Last night was consumed with two things connected with my getting to be more and more time consuming part time “job” as a race timer/webmaster/logistical coordinator/communicator.  After work we had a meeting regarding next year’s half marathon, talking about some changes for next year’s race based on the feedback we got from runners.  It was a good meeting that included the perk of a free meal (personal pizza for me).  Between the picnic which included all of that beer/calorie dense foods and chowing down on appetizers and pizza last night I feel the need to eat a squeaky clean diet the next few days.  It makes me feel gross when I consume too much shit.

As soon as I got home I fired up the computer to join a webinar being held by the author of the race timing software I use.  Even though I got into it about 15 minutes late I still was able to pick up some good pointers that could help me manage certain situations.

Cindy continues to heal from her eye surgery.  She is off this week due to lifting and other restrictions that would make her very physical job duties impossible.

I don’t have all that much flowing from my mind so take some time to watch one of my favorite internet personalities talk about the right way to approach life.