Coop construction, SlowBook

10417493_10153033054772841_5506407865200473606_n[1]So even though I have had the chicken coop I ordered for several weeks sitting in the shed I hadn’t gotten around to putting it together.  There was no real rush because I knew we weren’t going to be getting any chickens until the PA trip was out of the way.  Well the trip is now officially out of the way so I needed to get to work.

It was off and on raining last evening so I decided the garage would be the best place to put the coop together.  I opened the two boxes and leaned the parts against the wall.  The first impressions I got were “cool, most of the hard work is already done” and “geez this wood looks rather thin and light duty, I wonder how long it will last”.

The coop parts were all predrilled with guide pins to help you mate the larger sections together.  The parts smelled and looked like cedar wood but I am pretty sure they are made out of some sort of fir wood that just smells like cedar. The instructions were rather spartan and included no words at all, only low resolution pictures that showed how stuff went together but not the order it should go together which caused a few problems.

Everything fit together well. My only concern was the potential long term durability of the structure in the harsh Florida climate.  The wood that is used is thin and light, light enough that I am planning to sink some sort of auxiliary anchors in the ground to make sure the coop doesn’t get uprooted in the gusting winds that accompany summer thunderstorms.  I plan to pick up some animal friendly wood protectant on my way home to apply to the coop to hopefully extend the longevity of the structure.

I got everything put together last night except the nesting box which I hope to get finished tonight.  After that we need to get chicken accessories like feeding/watering stations, wood chips, straw and finally the chickens themselves.  If things come together there is a chance we could have the chickens in the backyard this weekend.

I have had an issue with Facebook for a couple months when checking it on a pc, it’s slow as shit.  As I start scrolling down a newsfeed there are these lengthy, annoying pauses as more content is loaded.  It’s annoying enough that it will make me bail on the site.  I see the behavior on multiple machines using multiple browsers, IE, Firefox or Chrome.  Jeremy suggested I load up a couple Firefox plug ins like NoScript and AdBlocker to cut out the countless background scripts processes that launch when you load a complex site like Facebook.  Unfortunately I found these add ons also turn web browsing into an annoying experience as page after page won’t load until I interact with the plug in and tell it to let content load.  Even with using these tools, the Facebook newsfeed still runs like shit.

At this point I am not quite sure what is causing the lag infested Facebook browsing, perhaps it is the change they made awhile back where all of the videos embedded in your newsfeed preload and start playing as soon as they enter your browser view in a Vine-like manner.  Perhaps it is the mountains of unwanted ads that are now shoved into the typical newsfeed.  Maybe I just have too many FB friends whom I never actually met in real life, bloating the content in my feed.  Whatever the cause, I am really sick of it and frustrated that I am yet to find the root cause of the problem or definitive solution.