
10565021_837975796215676_82901736818478902_nSo yesterday Cindy told me that we now have our first homegrown egg, very exciting news indeed. The egg was on the smallish side but otherwise appeared perfectly normal. We are 99% sure the egg was produced by Betty, the hen that has had all the classic symptoms of being ready to start producing.  On Monday she was up in the nesting box making all sorts of odd noises we never heard before.  I imagine producing your first egg is a confusing/painful thing for a young chicken.  It seems like Wilma is starting to exhibit some similar behaviors so maybe she will be next in line.

We don’t have immediate plans to consume the egg but when we do we think we will hard boil it to allow us to cut the egg open to see how normal the interior of it looks.

Last night we had the chickens roaming about as I was doing my second session of pull ups in my 1000 pull up video series.  We had a hard time getting Pebbles back in the coop, the other two chickens responded easily to cracked corn bribery.  I had the camera rolling as we coaxed her back in.