x2, Flip your lid, deactivating is hard to do

10616435_856082131071709_1665121025429066218_nI forgot to mention yesterday that now two of our three chickens are laying eggs.  Wilma laid her first egg on Tuesday, joining Betty as one of our laying hens.  Pebbles, our third chicken is starting to show some of the preliminary signs of getting into egg laying shape as well.  It’s quite funny how 5 minutes with the chickens can lighten your mood.  I have some anxiety about leaving the chickens in someone else’s care while we are on the road trip.

So Ali took Nicki to the vet that handles eyelid issues yesterday, an appointment I made while wasting my time at the other vet on Tuesday.  The vet said that Nicki’s eyelids are indeed turned under.  Ali said she was just surprised how bad it was, almost half of the eyelid was folded on top of itself.  No wonder the poor thing has been pawing at them.

So I was happy to hear that they were able to schedule her to have eyelid surgery on Friday morning.  In addition while she is out they are going to clean her teeth, something we haven’t had done professionally on her ever.  Sadie has had her teeth done a few times.  We are hoping the surgery finally offers Nicki some relief as well as making it much easier for her to see.  Yes it is going to be pricey, Ali and I are hoping the equally pricey pet insurance that we pay a couple hundred bucks a month for covers at least some of the expense.

So last night before heading to bed I finally deactivated my mom’s Facebook account.  I figured since both of the memorial services my siblings and I did were over, which we used mom’s fb account to help disperse information about, there wasn’t much reason to keep it open.  Prior to shutting it down last night, on Tuesday I posted one final message on mom’s wall letting her circle of friends know I was shutting it down.

When I signed into Fb as my mom and clicked the DEACTIVATE NOW link I had to give a reason for deactivation.  I had to select OTHER as evidently FB does not include death as a prefilled option.  When I clicked the last button to finalize the process it felt very final and somber, almost like closing the lid of a casket.  An instant wave of emotion made my eyes moist as I turned off the computer, I suppose it’s because actions like this make mom’s death feel more real.