Dogcation, Aggro

1779675_10152793679831522_2820485873357454550_nYesterday on the way home from work I picked up the girls for an extended stay.  They will be under roof until the fourth of October while Ali is on vacation in Paris.  Because I have a couple races to time during that time period I am going to have to call on some neighbor assist with letting the dogs out during those days.

Nicki’s energy is so much better since having the eye surgery.  Being able to have her full field of vision back has obviously improved her quality of life.  While we have her I think Cindy and I are going to undertake the very hairy task of shaving Nicki with clippers to get her shedding machine under control.  I am sure the before and after pictures are going to be very interesting.

Last night despite having the dogs around, which is normally a mood elevator, I found myself feeling aggravated.  Part of it was Cindy and I had to drive all the way up to the Fort Myers Airport to retrieve my mom’s Rav 4.  I’m not going into details about how it it wound up being there but let’s just say it was due to some very poor decision making.   By the time we got home it was around 9PM.  At least the dogs got a ride in the van out of it.

So when we headed back to the bedroom I wanted to fold up the treadmill so one of Nicki’s beds would go there.  I lifted up the track and encountered resistance about 15-20 degrees from the upright position.  It would not go all the way up, it felt like I was feeling binding on the left side.  Cindy and I embarked on at least a 15 minute ordeal, trying to see why this was.  It made no sense that it would suddenly no longer fold up.

I went as far as taking the plastic cover off the front of the treadmill so I could get a better look at the hinges to see if something was broken or misaligned.  Nope.  WTF??!  I was getting more and more aggravated.  Cindy suggested that we disconnect the hydraulic strut that is used to give lift assist.  It didn’t logically make sense why this would cause an issue but I was willing to try anything at this point.  I popped the connector apart and bam, the deck goes back into vertical position.  Wow.

Ok well although this didn’t make sense the deck was up.  All I had to do was slide in the locking pin.  So I reach around the left side to do so and see that the pin and the hole it normally resides in are misaligned by about an inch and a half.  Argh.  I futzed with it a bit and again had no idea what was going on but I had a faint recollection that it happened before.  I was going to simply tie the damn thing up, my patience was officially expired. Then it hit me.

I plugged the treadmill back in and looked at the elevation.  It was set to 5 degrees.  I now remembered that it will not fold back up until you reset the elevation all the way down.  By that time I had spent a total of 30 minutes fcking with it, taking it apart and putting it back together.  It all could have been avoided with the press of a button.  By the time I finally hit bed it was 11 ish.  I fell asleep glad that the day was officially over.