Wet and cold, Cincas

The weather yesterday was pretty miserable, with the temperatures dropping 20 degrees during the daytime hours while being accompanied by a steady, cold rain.  The forecast lows for last night were in the upper 40’s.  Cindy and I closed up the coop for the first time, locking the ramp in the up position to cut down on the cold air coming in.  When we got up this morning to lower the ramp the chickens were waiting eagerly to escape.

Last night Cindy was playing WoW with me with her new virtual character, a night elf druid named Cincas.  Stepping into WoW is a daunting task for someone that doesn’t have a gaming background.  Hell when I started playing in 2005 I was overwhelmed.  The control scheme, which is second nature for me takes some time to get accustomed to.  Most of Cindy’s time in the game is submerged in confusion as she tries to get oriented.  Plus her new lasik altered, mono-vision eyes have a very hard time focusing on the screen.  The monitor appears to be at a distance which is in the dead zone between her one eye that is trimmed for close vision and the other which is used for distance.  In addition, the heavy mouse work that is utilized by WoW is tough on her hand.

I got on one of my other characters and traveled across the virtual world to be Cindy’s in game escort.  She hopped in the sidecar of my motorcycle so I could drive her around to save time.  I also was her guide and bodyguard, able to kill off any threats in milliseconds since they are much lower levels than I am.  I am not sure if Cindy enjoys playing enough to stick with it but regardless I appreciate her effort in trying.

Last night was the first running club board meeting that went down since my role changed to non-board member, part of which meant my attendance at board meetings was not expected.  Of course I still got a pretty comprehensive recap of what went down.  It will be a bit odd to hear about some of the points discussed, having opinions about them yet not expressing them to the board.  Like anything else, with time, it will become less weird.