Would forget my head if it wasn’t attached

So this morning the alarm went off at it’s normal 5:30 AM time and thanks to Cindy’s assumption of most of my former weekday morning duties, I was out the door well before 7AM, arriving at work by 7:30, even with stopping for a DD coffee en route.  My boss got in the office closer to 8AM.  As she walked by my office she gave me a strange look and said “You’re here??”  I said yep, been here since 7:30.

The confused look remained on her face as she said “Aren’t you supposed to be having AC work done this morning?”  All of a sudden it is my face that gets the confused expression as I blurt out “Oh shit, you are right, I have to leave!”, which I immediately did.  You see, earlier in the week I made arrangements to have routine maintenance done on my AC system at 8:30 AM.  I could not believe it totally slipped my mind.

So I grabbed my keys, wallet, phone and coffee and reversed the 23 mile trip I just made a half hour earlier, chastising myself internally for forgetting.  To combat elderly forgetfulness I usually use Outlook calendar reminders which are synched to my phone which I did for this appointment as well.  Unfortunately I didn’t do the one extra click to remind me further in advance than the 15 minute default setting.

I hauled ass, hoping the service guy would be late, as almost all service people are in SW Florida.  He actually was early, the company that does my AC work is one of the few I have dealt with in Florida that actually gets it and places an importance on prompt and professional service.  So in a short while I get to make my second commute of the day back to Naples, lovely.

Speaking of service guys, you may recall me talking about my pool deck that was painted by Rhinoshield in March of 2013.  The deck, which had a supposed two year warranty started having spots of paint come off only a few months after the work was done and has been continuing to “freckle” more and more as time has gone on.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of four or five months ago I began the process of trying to get Rhinoshield to honor their warranty and fix the paint work.  At first I contacted the guy who lives in Miami that did the work originally and got no response. After repeated, unanswered text messages and voice mails I contacted the regional Rhinoshield main office in Jacksonville.  I was told that the Miami guy would be the one to handle it and they would reach out to him.  Well that kick in the ass appeared to work as he finally got back to me.

Eventually I got him to come out and look at the deck.  His original intent was to just touch up the spots but I stressed that there are far too many to be touched up, the deck really needs to be repainted.  Eventually he agreed and said we would set something up once rainy season ends.

Since that time I have been trying to nail down a time for this to occur.  The last time I heard from the guy was October 28th when he texted that he would get back to me in a “couple days” to set up a date to do the work.  Since then I have sent 6 texts and one voicemail asking for this to actually happen and have received no acknowledgement or response.  The last text I sent let the guy know that my next contact would be with the Jacksonville office and even that information did not illicit a response.

So of course I will follow through and give somebody at the main office an earful about how poorly the communication has been with their south Florida guy and if they are not willing to do something to get my warranty on the paint work honored I will need to elevate my complaint to higher levels.  It is SO annoying.  Just do what the fck you say you are going to do, how hard is it?

logoI have started working on a face for the side race timing venture I have started with my purchase of the Ipico box.  If you want to see the beginning framework head on over here although it is still in the very formative stages. Pretty much everything is still subject to change. www.greenmachinetiming.com

This weekend I take one last deep breath before I am submerged with the mountain of work associated with what is looking to be a 3000 person Thanksgiving Day race.