Crunch time, all this waiting to wait

So we are now at the one week from Christmas mark meaning there are a lot of things to do.   Last night Cindy and I were quite busy attending to a number of to do’s.  Despite working a full day and having her own list of things to do Cindy still whipped up eggplant parm from scratch.  She just loves to cook.

hearthstone-android-hero2So I have been patiently waiting for Hearthstone to be released for Android devices, allowing me to play Hearthstone at place other than sitting in front of a computer.  The game has been out for the iPad for quite awhile  It’s easier to port a game like this to the iOS platform because of the standardized hardware Apple uses.

Well last night the game showed up on Google Play.  I eagerly awaited the 500 + meg download to complete on my Galaxy Tab 3.   I fired up the game and continued waiting, dismissing the warning that my device did not have the recommended minimum hardware requirements to run the game.  I’m sure it will be fine.

Well of course I was wrong.  The game ran like absolute shit, sputtering and pausing repeatedly and disconnecting when I tried to actually play a game.  It was disappointing of course but gives me reason to investigate tablet deals after the Christmas tidal wave passes.

It’s looking like 2015 is setting up to have some pretty significant shifts in what I have come to accept as status quo over the last nearly 15 years.  It’s too early to elaborate but the winds of change are blowing, not that they ever really stop.