Guest appearance, tech everywhere
Last night I was at the running club board meeting, albeit briefly to discuss details regarding Sunday’s half marathon. It felt a bit odd to see the chair I occupied for many years seating somebody else. Regret however wasn’t an emotion that crept into my head. I have no doubt that my new role in relation to the club was the best direction for me. I was spending too much time getting frustrated over things that I was not in control of. Sometimes a shoulder shrug is simply the best avenue to follow for sanity maintenance.
I instead sat on the peripheral of the room as most guests do at the meetings. The half marathon discussion was pretty brief, wrapping up in less than 15 minutes. I excused myself and was on my way home where I had a long mental list of things I wanted to do, some race and some work related.
I had technology barfing all over the house last night with three laptops on the kitchen island, an Ipad on the counter and a 25 year old Time Machine charging as well. Luckily I only had around 20 new entries to pull down and label. Tomorrow early packet pickup for the race begins meaning most of my free time ends for the next four days.