Small move large undertaking, too much tragedy

11024733_10153581514747841_4480158475502732735_oMoving offices consumed all of my day yesterday and I am still not completely done.  The combination of logistics involved moving from an office much larger into a smaller space and having 15 years of accumulated crap in that bigger space made for a lot of work.  I threw out TONS of cables, cd’s, paperwork and other old tech that serves no useful purpose in 2015.

I actually changed into my gym clothes late in the morning and left them on the rest of the day.  Pushing heavy steel furniture around works up a sweat.1509748_10153581544537841_221953327498429455_n  I also managed to draw blood during the process.  I was lifting up my heavy printer and did not have a balanced grip underneath it.  The add on paper tray came off which lead to the 75 pound printer falling out of my grasp.  My instinct was to try to break the fall of the printer using my leg.  In the course of doing so I had two large chunks of skin scraped off my knee.  It immediately started to bleed pretty badly.  I didn’t have time to bleed so I just messily taped a gauze pad over the knee and kept going.

My accommodations in the new windowed office are MUCH tighter than my old space but it is workable. The addition of a window to my everyday environment should make the more cramped quarters a big plus overall.  I still have a few straggling items left in the old office.  I then have to go in there and try to clean up 15 years of dust and dirt that was living underneath the old furniture.

Yesterday Cindy got some horrible news. Her sister in law had a brain aneurysm and her outlook is very grim.  I met her a couple times, including when she was over with her family to the house on Thanksgiving.  She seemed like a very nice person and devoted mother.  She is young, some 12 years younger than me, an age where you just are not giving any thought to this sort of scenario.  The fact that there are a total of four other children in the family makes the situation all the more tragic. Cindy went to the hospital after work.  Of course her kind heart is breaking for the family and she wants to do anything she can to help although it’s hard to know what exactly that is.

The news immediately brought me back to last August when my mom had a similar, unexpected downfall.  Of course Cindy’s sister in law’s age makes it seem even more improbable.  This is just another reminder for me that you never really know when your world is going to get flipped upside down so you should appreciate each happy and healthy day you have on this planet.