Got wood, girl Gunnars

603444340796lg[1]After work last night I stopped at Home Depot to grab two 12 foot long 2″x6″ boards which will be used for the long sides of the 8’x10′ foot frame I will be building hopefully this weekend.  Both Cindy and I are excited to get the platform up and the new shed constructed on top of it.

Cindy has really been struggling with eye strain since her job now requires looking at a computer screen pretty much all day long.  By the end of each work day she is in terrible discomfort and struggles mightily to just look at the screen.

I suggested to her the other day that she may benefit from a pair of Gunnar glasses which are specifically designed for CVS (computer vision syndrome).  You may recall that about a year ago I tried a pair of Gunnars and had problems with them.  However my computer/near field vision was fine going in, I was trying them to see if the Gunnars would help the distance vision problem I have. They did not.  But with the symptoms Cindy was having they were a near perfect fit.

61uLmzdzBhL._SL1500_[1]So the glasses arrived yesterday.  Cindy’s eyes were hurting as usual after another day of staring at screens.  I had her sit in front of my two 27 inch screens with and without the Gunnars.  When she looked at the screens naked the pain and discomfort returned immediately.  When she put on the Gunnars and surveyed the 54 inches of monitor real estate the pain disappeared.

Later in the evening she used them working on her pc and reported similar positive results.  Today at work will be the most important test.  Hopefully she has similar results there.