Subterranean shield, more dead

11021550_10153649058747841_608399599221013624_oLast night after work I tried to get some more work done on the shed/coop.  On the way home I grabbed some hardware cloth with smaller, 1/2″ squares, instead of the 1 inch stuff we got at Rural King.  The 1/2″ stuff is more secure and actually easier to bend to fit.

I stapled the top of the wire to the platform.  I pushed the bottom of the fencing into the trench in such a way that it folded with the excess extending forward.  This layout makes digging under the fencing next to impossible for predators that can dig. Cindy and I then back filled the trench, giving the chickens what will be a secure safe haven under the coop.  11048650_10153649058742841_739813381211756159_oI had enough fencing to do two of the three sides.

11108868_10153649058752841_3079825683787033851_nYesterday my automatic chicken door showed up.  Getting the door assembly mounted into the side wall of the shed will require some of my construction improvisation skills since it is designed to be mounted in conventional wood construction.  I already have a rough outline of how I can do it in my head.  I shot a quick video demonstrating the coolness of the robo-chicken door.

Last night we watched the Walking Dead season finale.  The 90 minutes passed by very quickly.  The people we wanted to die were not on the hit list unfortunately.  As any good season finale, it left Cindy and I wishing the next episodes weren’t going to be 6 months away.