Moving mountains

11182150_10153697459007841_4058691549090538471_nSo Cindy and I were not thrilled when we heard the install window for the carpet was between 10AM and 1PM.  We figured it made the prospect of the carpet getting done on Tuesday remote. Wow, were we ever wrong.

The installers showed up about 11:30.  Cindy was happy there would be no language barrier as there was with the tile installers, both of the carpet guys were just average Joes.  They were like a fine tuned machine right from the start.  They tore into the job in a way only an expert can.  I was amazed when Cindy told me they were vacuuming up the installed new rug at 1:30.  They laid down new carpet and pad in four rooms in right around two hours.  I had no idea it could be done so quickly.

Not only were they fast, they did a great job.  Cindy reported back that the new carpet looked and felt great.  The higher quality carpet combined with the best pad Home Depot sells was a perfect combo.  The darker color also added some nice contrast to the wall color that is throughout most of the house.  Cindy told me she was going to get busy moving back what she could.

10359558_10153697459157841_4964650582112374723_nI was surprised when she sent me a picture later in the afternoon of the main bedroom pretty much completely put back together.  She used the furniture sliders and determination to get it all back in there.  I was amazed when I got home and saw just how much she had accomplished.  Almost all of the furniture was out of the great room area.  It looked great.  I got my first in person look and feel of the new carpet and was thoroughly impressed.  I was very pleased.

I changed and got busy helping Cindy with a few of the bigger pieces she couldn’t move herself as well as starting work on the office.  The server/switch/wiring shelf I have had in the office has been pretty nasty looking ever since I set it up 10 years ago.  I decided to TOTALLY rip everything apart and redo it.  It took a lot of doing but the end result was a much improved NOC where most of the wiring is concealed from view.  I moved the stand to a spot where I was able to eliminate a huge handful of CAT 5 wires which helped as well.

11113789_981572818522639_2801186567179369662_nWe also worked on getting the hobby room back together which probably had the most stuff in it of any room thanks to all of the running club equipment that I house in there.  We worked until close to 10PM getting things back in place.  All of the major portions of the house are back in place at this point.  We just have a number of detail items to attend to now which I hope to get done during the day.

It feels fantastic to finally be emerging from the other side of what has been a month long deluge of home improvement hell.  I told Cindy last night that the new flooring is sort of mom’s last gift to us as I used some of the proceeds from her estate to help us pay for it.  I am sure she would have approved of the end result and it will just be another way for us to remember her with every step we take.