Different Friday, similar weekend

Tonight we will be deviating from our normal pizza and dvr Friday night ritual that Cindy and I enjoy.  Our next door neighbors daughter is doing a vow renewal ceremony at the beach followed by a reception at our neighbors house.  Since we now have a total of 16 animals currently under our care we likely won’t be partying late into the night.

11214156_992455844101003_7572302169964032740_nSpeaking of the animals, Lola has become quite the sweetheart.  When we got our second set of chickens, which included Lola, she was the most skittish of them all, scurrying away whenever we made even the slightest move in her direction.

Cindy has had to do some crop massaging on Lola the last week or so which required Cindy to catch and hold her.  It seems like since this has occurred Lola now fully trusts both of us and makes little to no fuss when we pick her up and hold her.  This morning I opened the run to let them out and Lola almost immediately walked over and placed herself right between my feet.  I reached down and picked her up.  She seemed perfectly content as I rubbed her head and neck.

It’s a bit startling just how light she is.  When you pick Lola up she almost feels like she is hollow despite her average size.  She is literally all feathers.

Cindy has been very busy maintaining the two sets of baby chicks.  It’s a lot of work that there is no way we could have handled if Cindy was still working an 8-5 job.  Despite the labor Cindy is very content caring for the chicks, she just loves them. The week older chicks seem very happy living in the garage for now inside the chicken tractor run which gives them tons of space to run around and act crazy.  Hopefully soon we can let the younger chicks mingle with the older ones once the size difference is smaller.

This weekend we have things to do, a Tarpons game to attend and chickens/dogs to care for.  It should make for a full slate.