15 minute oil change

540401_10153310440282841_3826102634244377042_nLast night after work I drove the Tacoma up onto the ramps to get the oil change done.  When I looked at my maintenance log I was surprised that the last time I did one was in December.  I am used to more frequent oil changes with the truck however since I am taking the Prius to work more often than not nowadays, there are less miles getting put on the truck.  The Tacoma now has over 180,000 miles on it and is still running well.  I have put more miles on the truck than any other vehicle in my lifetime.

The reason I wanted to get the oil change out of the way was so I had one less thing to attend to over the weekend.  I need to do some extensive testing of the new timing system this weekend, part of that includes getting 3000 timing devices affixed to 3000 race bibs.  I am trying to keep my weekend workload light to facilitate getting the race timing stuff done.

I also need to work on building a revised perching rig for the coop that will be better suited to accommodating the 11 baby chicks when they move in.  Cindy is more open to integrating the baby chicks with the adults sooner rather than later after seeing how they have been doing when we let them briefly free range after work the last couple days.  Lucy is still giving the chicks pecks on the back/head if she feels they are infringing on her food access but as long as there is enough food and enough space for the chicks to escape it should be ok.

Cindy and I need to start doing some loose planning about a potential 2015 road trip.  The chickens add a layer of consideration in the process.  I am worried about them being restricted to the coop/run exclusively for an extended period.  The answer would be to have someone willing to hang out while they roam around a bit each day which is not going to be easy.  We need to see how many days we could do, how far we could get reasonably in that amount of time, and how much money we can afford to spend.