
bernie-sanders-hair-meme[1]My dad has been on the phone with me a couple times in the last few days looking for some technical assistance.  He needed to figure out how he can broadcast a Bernie Sanders speech to his TV from his laptop.  He is formally hosting an event to help Bernie’s campaign. Marienville, PA is a political hot bed after all, not.  🙂  On the democratic side of 2016 presidential campaign there has been a lot of Hilary Clinton focus.  Hilary is a very polarizing candidate that unfortunately reinforces the political line in the sand since she is pretty much hated by many republicans.  However there are other democratic candidates out there and one of them gaining some momentum is Bernie Sanders.

Many of Bernie’s ideas are focused on the financial state of America and the income inequality that now rivals what happened in the 1920’s before the Great Depression.  A lot of Bernie’s positions are aligned with Robert Reich, someone who I have followed for many years.  In a nutshell he is a greater good type of guy.  Many tea party zealots would call him a socialist.

I like Bernie’s passion for what he believes in.  He is absolutely fearless in his assaults on America’s billionaire class that has seized control of the country’s direction with an iron tight grip.  Unfortunately in reality that will more than likely be his downfall.  In 2015 it is basically impossible for a presidential candidate to be successful without being beholden to corporate behemoths.  Gaining votes is sadly more about mental manipulation funded by lakes of cash top campaigns generate today.

So although I am happy my dad feels strongly enough about Bernie to host a campaign event for him, the realist in me thinks that nobody can knock Hilary off her throne since she has the biggest piggy bank.  If somehow Bernie managed to secure the democratic candidacy it would mean that finally a segment of America is fed up enough to put up a candidate that will truly take off the gloves instead of shadow boxing.

I have to say that I am proud that my dad, despite in demographics/income being squarely in what is usually a me first, fck everyone else crowd, still is able to see the big picture through the fog of disinformation.