Washed away, head to head, clipped

11891978_10153960767687841_7168776616885533158_nYesterday was my final day off of my extended five day weekend.  In the morning I did my four day blog recap followed by a coffee/Rural King run to get a few things.  I wanted to get some sort of workout in so Cindy agreed to go in the back yard to do some head to head challenges. It was brutally hot and humid with very threatening skies nearby.

We did a several challenges outside including a couple Century circuits and one arm dead hangs before the rain drops started to fall.  We then moved inside for a wall handstand challenge.  I won all of the events except the wall handstand hold.  The Century circuits were very tight, Cindy loves to compete.

Of course we video taped all of it, we all of it except the first Century because I was a dumb ass and forgot to reinsert the SD card into the camera.

You can get a good sense of the silly aura when we workout together from this brief Cindy montage.

So the skies absolutely opened up, dropping several inches of rain on the property in a short period of time.  It instantly transformed what was dry land to instant swamp.  During the worst of it the entire front yard in front of the house mound was under water.  The chickens don’t seem to mind getting wet.  Quite often we will see them running around the yard despite steady rain coming down.

Speaking of the chickens, I forgot to mention we did out first wing clipping of the four young birds.  They are all smaller and better flyers than the six blacks and Lucy.  This was motivated by my seeing two of them by the front office window, they had flown over the four foot fence.  Cindy and I were both nervous about trimming the wings but if you do it correctly the birds don’t feel a thing.