No Hero, Debateless

It’s very rare for me to talk much about tv shows on here but since I did it twice already this week I may as well hit it one more time.  I was a big fan of the original Heroes when it first came out years ago, or more specifically, the first season or two of the show.  The writers on that show went crazy and ran the show right into a wall with absolutely horrible writing that resulted in a plot that was impossible to follow or care about.

When I heard they were rebooting the show I held out hope that some new people were involved that could somehow capture what made the show good at first.  Well my hopes were not realized.  If anything they somehow managed to make the show more confusing, more stupid, and fill it with even more bad actors than the original.  There are no less than 20 characters that you are supposed to follow through a rat nest of story lines that include constant jumps forward and backward through time.  Despite seeing every episode, if you had a knife to my throat and the only way I could save myself was to clearly explain the Heroes story I would unfortunately wind up dead on the floor.  I am forcing myself to watch the remaining two episodes although I might have to do it solo, Cindy already raised the white flag on the show.

I didn’t watch the Republican debate again last night, it just serves no useful purpose in my life unless you consider feeling really negative about the state of politics in ‘Merica” as a good thing.  I bet Carly Fiorina was FURIOUS she got sent down to the minor leagues, with the likes of Mike “I want a pill to cure diabetes” Huckabee.

So this is half marathon weekend, the last I will be participating in.  The weather forecast for Sunday is not looking promising at all with a forecast of rain and high winds which of course can make timing the event very challenging.  I’ll just keep my nose down and get through it.