Making of insomnia

Sorry for being mostly incommunicado the past few days.  My attention has been needed elsewhere other than my daily brain dumps.

Making-a-Murderer[1]I had heard the discussion in the news the past few weeks about the Netflix documentary named “Making a Murderer” .  I had no idea that it was literally a series, I thought it was something like a two hour film.  Well by the time we went to bed last after 1 AM we had plowed through 5 episodes.

The sequence of events in this story just seem incredible.  The layers of deceit, corruption, tampering, and all around shadiness are countless.  Make no doubt about it, Steve Avery is an uneducated, simple man with a history of making some bad decisions and exhibiting poor behavior.  When you see the various members of his family interviewed it is clear this bloodline did not spend a second in any sort of higher education.  They seem to be Wisconsin rednecks in simple terms.  However being a redneck does not mean you are not entitled to fair treatment by the local law enforcement and court system.

In a nutshell, Steve served 18 years in prison for a rape he did not commit.  The county sheriff department apparently knowingly ignored evidence that would have exonerated Avery.  When he got released after DNA evidence proved his innocence, he filed a 36 million dollar lawsuit against the county.  Shortly before that trial was to begin he got accused of being involved in the murder of a woman.  This documentary is all about unwinding the incredibly complicated story surrounding all of this.

It is compelling for sure, hence our 5 hour binge watch on a Thursday night.  It really puts an exclamation point on just how corrupt, deceitful, and dangerous a good old boy local government system can be.  I am sure Cindy and I will finish up digesting the documentary this weekend, tonight perhaps. Do I know 100% that Avery is innocent? Hell no.  Is it clear as day that the sheriff department had an axe to grind and clearly ignored/altered evidence  to fit their agenda?  Absolutely.

This weekend I need to spend some time under the hood of the Tacoma that has been sitting dead in the driveway all week.  I am crossing my fingers that the set of plugs and wires that I bought will fix the cylinder misfire problem I have been experiencing.  If not I have a much more involved and potentially expensive problem to deal with.