If not the flu

So my day at work yesterday was not enjoyable.  Although I felt slightly better later in the day it was still one big slog.  I didn’t want to talk, I just wanted to be left alone.  Instead of a normal lunch hour visit to the gym I instead spent it in parking lot in the Tacoma, napping.  I did get an appointment with our employee clinic but it was not until late in the day.

After taking my vitals I had the very unpleasant flu swab test where they stick swabs far, far up your nostrils.  I winced and tears immediately started flowing from my eyes.  I figured the test would confirm it was the flu and I now just had to wait it out.  Well when the test came back negative I was very surprised.  My symptoms all seem like classic flu symptoms so I asked the NP what else could it be.  She said likely it is still a virus, just not the flu virus.  She had no quick fix advice other than high dosing of vitamin C.  She also wrote a script for amoxicillin that she said I could take if I don’t start seeing substantial improvement by the weekend, just in case it is a bacterial issue.  I’m not the type to casually take antibiotics so it is unlikely I will crack the bottle.

Last night I again had to fight through coughing fits until I finally fell asleep for good.  Luckily the office was ok with me sleeping in a bit and coming in mid-morning.  The extra couple hours in bed felt good.  The bad news is Cindy is starting to feel not so great.  It would suck that after being in the house with my germs for almost a week, now she starts coming down with it.  I am crossing my fingers it is a false alarm.