Best yet, did he really say that

nineday4I was feeling pretty beat up last night and was going to skip any Ninebot One training.  I changed my mind as my inner taskmaster didn’t want me to lose any of the small amount of progress I had made thus far.  My ride session was brief but the most positive I have had to this point.  I had no falls which is a minor miracle.  What is more surprising is I was able to ride the entire length of the driveway, in both directions.  Yea my arms still flail wildly during most rides but at least I can keep myself on the wheel. It felt good to be making some real progress.

So I had to read the statement twice to make sure I was not seeing things.  Of course I am referring to Donald saying that perhaps Russia could uncover the 30,000 deleted emails of Hilary that the FBI couldn’t.  Knowing how Trump is, of course I knew he wasn’t being serious but his lack of judgement when making public statements is very concerning.  I mean really, how can the American public think it’s ok for a presidential candidate to have no filter when it comes to speaking.  When you combine this with his paper thin skin you have the potential for all sorts of fireworks to go down, potentially with catastrophic consequences.

I have said before, if Trump manages to win the presidential election despite the repeated warning signs to the US public that he is woefully unsuited for the job, we as a country deserve whatever misery awaits us as a result.  I’ll just keep riding my wheel and try to not say, told you so.