Watching West

I don’t feel very chatty at the moment.  Cindy and I have been watching a couple new shows recently, both of which we caught up on last night.  Designated Survivor is an ABC show where Keifer Sutherland plays the President after basically all of the US government is killed off from a bombing during a state of the union address.  His long run as the star of 24 made him a good fit for this role although his ability in the show to instantly adapt to being thrust into the role of President seems a bit unbelievable.  Regardless Cindy and I both are looking forward to each and every episode.

West World is an HBO drama evidently  based upon a movie from the 70’s that I never saw.  It is a bizarre scenario where in the future a company builds an “amusement park” that is set in the Wild West time frame.  The park is populated by androids that are cast members.  The park guests have free reign to do pretty much whatever they want.  Of course when many human beings are inserted into a situation like this, the dark side of themselves takes control.   The androids have some fascinating qualities about them as well.  For a tech/sci-fi geek like myself the show hits dead center in my sweet spot.

14720406_1324087747604476_856954111729653687_nYesterday Cindy completed her latest costume creation, a Pokemon dragon which she made for her nephew.  She made it over the course of a couple days.  Cindy really has skills when it comes this sort of stuff.  She loves doing it.

So I have been driving the Tacoma to work all week since picking it up from the dealer on Tuesday to see if any of the weird dash warning lights would reappear since pulling the rattling Automatic adapter.  I have not seen a single reoccurrence of the problem so I feel pretty safe in saying the adapter was the source of the problem.  I guess I could try to get another adapter but at this point I don’t even know if I want one if it has the potential to make the vehicle computer go haywire.

This weekend will be another free form couple of days with no major projects on the clipboard.  Unfortunately the weather is not supposed to be quite as crisp and refreshing as last weekend.  I was hoping beyond hope that my new EUC would show up this weekend so I could get out and play on it.  Unfortunately it looks like it will not arrive from it’s transatlantic journey until early next week.