Froze it, At least like the honesty, Elsa Antics

Yesterday my buddy Joe made a suggestion after reading about the attempt for someone to open a credit card under my name.  The actions I took put a flag on my account with the credit bureaus that SHOULD make banks take extra steps if anyone else would try to open credit in my name, however it is not guaranteed.  In addition, this flag only exists for 3 months.  Joe said he had a similar problem and instead placed a “freeze” on his account with the three credit bureaus.

A freeze is like putting a padlock on your credit.  Nobody is allowed to extend credit in your name, period.  The only way anything can happen is if I temporarily unfreeze it if I was applying for a loan or credit card.  After that it goes back to being frozen.  To be honest, with all of the ID theft in the world I am not sure why this is not the default status for all credit, frozen.

Depending on the state you live in, placing a freeze can be absolutely free.  In some states, like Florida, it costs $10 per agency to enact the freeze.  I am not sure why that varies state to state.  So anyway, if you want to place a nice, high, Trump style wall around your personal credit I would recommend doing the same.  I will include the links to freeze with each agency below.


So I watched Doug Pederson’s press conference following the Eagles dreadful loss to the Bengals.  I have mentioned before that I really like the way Doug handles the press, even in obviously bad situations like this weekend.  He does not stone wall reporters, he will try to answer honestly, even if that answer reflects somewhat negatively on himself or a player.  He doesn’t try to be a big fluffy pillow like Andy Reid did who took blame for every aspect of the game, even if the Gatorade was mixed poorly.  He isn’t the cocky, arrogant bastard that Chip Kelly was, accepting no blame as the house around him was burning to the ground, primarily because of his personnel decisions.

Doug is just a straight shooter. Despite what I think about the way the team has gone downhill recently and his role in all of that, I respect a guy that is not afraid to talk about the good and the bad, even if it is self deprecating.  I think he is a good man and I hope somehow that translates into future success with the team.  I just don’t think it is going to happen this year.

15390908_1367710933242157_4231739033562354125_nAli’s trip got extended another day due to a flight delay meaning we get to keep Sadie an extra day.  Elsa certainly won’t complain, she LOVES having Sadie around.  I love watching them interact and play.  Last night I was sitting on the love seat with Sadie next to me.  Elsa decided she wanted to join the party.  She jumped up and promptly laid on top of Sadie.  It was very, very funny.

I have been burning up the online shopping highway recently, trying to get ALL of my shopping done in a very compressed period of time.  At this point I should only have a couple people to buy for.  I like it.