Lot of dying going on, trying

2016 seems to be very heavy on noteworthy deaths.  The past week has had another rash of them with Joey Boots (Stern fans will only know who he is), George Micheal, and Carrie Fisher all checking out at relatively young ages. (49,53,60 respectively)  All deaths are sad.  Out of those three I would say Carrie Fisher was probably the most sad for me.

Her role as Princess Leia put her on a pedestal for many people my age.   She seemed to have a rough life after her Star Wars days were done with drug addiction and other issues.  When I saw her in recent years or more accurately, heard her with that old lady smoker voice it felt like a cruel joke. One of the miserable benefits of getting old is seeing more and more faces you grew up with falling to the relentless march of time.

Cindy sent me a pic yesterday of her up on her new wheel.  She was trying to do some simple balancing between walls which is cool.  She snapped the picture using her Apple Watch to remotely trigger her phone which was slick.

Katie and Daniel have gone wheel crazy.  After a marathon riding session on Monday, as soon as they got off work yesterday they took their wheels down to the greenway and rode at night on the lighted pathway.  Of course I can understand how they feel.  Once I got to the point where I could do basic riding without the constant fear of falling I wanted to be on the wheel all the time.  I’m excited that Cindy is taking steps to joining us in that fun feeling.