Almost done, The way it used to be

So I have made a concerted effort to get all my Xmas shopping wrapped up before I head north to the frozen PA tundra this weekend. As of this morning I think I pretty much have accomplished that goal and as usual have spent more this holiday season than I hoped but that has pretty much been the case my entire adult life.  I’m sure I’ll grab a few more things here and there before the 25th rolls around but the major expenditures should be in the rear view mirror.

Last night Cindy was talking to me about family Christmas plans and us hosting a meal.  We had talked briefly about the merits of doing it on Christmas Eve versus Christmas Day.  We decided to do it on the day, just like we have the last few years.  I mentioned to Cindy that when I was growing up my mom used to always host a Christmas Eve dinner at the old farmhouse in Gouglersville.  It was just my mom’s side of the family normally including my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, great aunt, and even my great grandmother.

I had fond memories of those get togethers and the interaction between everyone as they sat around the odd shaped table.  I think it was basically a hexagon.

My mom liked to use a couple candles on the table to create an intimate setting.  Every single year my grandfather would complain how it was too dark for him to see his food.  It became a running joke.  We normally would also get to open whatever gift our grandparents got us on Christmas Eve which was sort of fun as it warmed up the anticipation for the big morning that always followed.

It’s funny how my experiences as a child have molded my experience of Christmas as an adult. Despite having basically zero religious exposure as a kid and a devoutly nonreligious view as an adult, I somehow still found a way to internalize the spirit and feeling that surrounds the holiday in a way that works for me.