Wrapped up

So the Z10 madness finally came to a close yesterday.  I boxed up the wheel and dropped it off at FedEx on my way home from work.  It’s going out to Denver next.  Ironically, the recipient of the wheel is that young kid that I called out for reckless EUC riding a few weeks back.   Last night I did one final Z10 video where I tried to summarize my two days of extensive testing.  It seems for the most part people liked my review.  Hopefully it means I will be considered to review other models down the road as they come available.

This weekend should contain a pretty normal amount of work and recreation.  On Sunday evening I am scheduled to have my first ever official EUC live stream with Marty, building upon our test run from last week.  I have a few technical details I need to work on before we go live but I think it should go well.