Just Duf

During my live stream on Sunday night someone mentioned how they have problems finding my channel, Dufisthenics, on YouTube.  While I was broadcasting I tested out what he was claiming, that typing Dufisthenics into the search area does not show my channel.  He was right.  What happens is YouTube assumes that you MEANT to type calisthenics and instead shows you results for that.  There is a single line up top that allows you to actually search for dufisthenics but it isn’t obvious.  Well that is kind of dumb.

So yesterday I decided to change the channel name to just Duf.  When I created Dufisthenics years ago 95% of my content was all calisthenics based videos.  Well nowadays 1% of my content is that yet the name remained the same.  Changing it to just my nickname of the last 40 years makes sense to me.  It also makes the channel URL consistent with my Instagram and Twitter accounts, duf67.  So if you found me under the old name that should continue to work but from here on out it’s just Duf.

Imagine being a billionaire that owns one of the most successful teams in the NFL, yet you decided a strip mall rub n tug is your best option for paid sexual services.  And, it’s all on tape, brilliant.