A Side Effect

It’s an odd thing that as you get older you find yourself getting angry or frustrated over things that you have no direct control over and/or things that have no significant impact on yourself.  Even though you can logically identify the behavior and why it is pointless, I still find myself feeling these emotions all of the time.  People will disappoint you all the time if you give them an opportunity to do so.  I assume that is part of the reason that my circle of personal interactions has consistently shrunk as time has passed.  If you don’t deal with people beyond a surface level, they don’t have an opportunity to disappoint you.  When I was young I didn’t think about any of these things.  All I saw was the moment I was in with very little focus on anything outside of that. Ignorance can indeed be bliss in some situations.

Speaking of disappointing, I just got another email from HP, the replacement video card for my brand new system has now been pushed back to almost two months away. Thank goodness I had a contingency plan in place.