Matched, Just mow it, Rabbit revival

As planned I got out to mow after work but before I did I had to see how the replacement metal on the roof looked.  I went out that side of the house but didn’t look at the roof till I took another 20 steps or so.  I was somewhat worried I would look and still see a degree of mismatched metal.  When I finally turned and looked upward I was relieved to see nothing but visual harmony.  All of the panels matched perfectly, like they should have from day one.

Despite my efforts to get the mowing done as quickly as possible I still spent nearly two hours out there on the Craftsman YT4000.  I always feel like I accomplished something when the shaggy landscape once again takes on a manicured state, as fleeting as it is.  I have been considering making a big investment in sod to raise some of the chronic low areas around the yard.  Buying it at Home Depot is an expensive and slow way to accomplish this.  I am looking into buying a full pallet from a sod company and have them deliver it to the house.

Our property has a lot of rabbits that we see.  Typically they keep their distance, instantly running off if you take a step in their direction.  Well for a few weeks there has been this adorable baby rabbit hanging out that for some reason is not afraid of people.  I have gotten within 5 feet of him/her many times and it stays put.  The baby also does not adhere to normal nocturnal rabbit behavior as I would see it out during daylight all the time.

The other day Cindy gave me the bad news that there was a dead animal in the front yard and from a distance it looked like it was a rabbit of a similar size.  This news was coordinated with my not seeing the baby rabbit for a couple days.  I ran scenarios through my head where it’s trusting nature was it’s demise as a predator, likely a hawk, was able to swoop in and kill the rabbit.   The idea of this made me very sad.

So last night as I was approaching the shed to get the tractor out I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked down and saw the baby rabbit a few feet away, staring up at me as it chewed on grass.  It brought an instant smile to my face.  I quickly went back to the house to call Cindy out to show her the baby rabbit was still around which of course made Cindy happy as well.  My attachment with living creatures other than human beings is hard to explain at times but it’s just the way I am wired.