Washed out, Mortgage for vaca

Our planned ride at Victoria Park got washed out last night by heavier and wider spread than expected rain.  Instead we spent the evening at home doing the things that usually occupy our nights namely, catching up on recorded DVR content, working in the the 3D room, and logging into WoW.  We are hoping to get out tonight to ride instead.

So today I bought the tickets for Disney for our long weekend visit.  I was somewhat stupefied at just how expensive Disney park visits are even though I have experienced it several times before.  Just to get in the door for one day costs Cindy and I something like $130 each which includes nothing extra.  When you add in all of the additional potential expenses once you are inside the park the costs escalate exponentially.  I simply can’t imagine how much a typical family of four would drop visiting Disney for three or four days.  I can only hope our experience is memorable enough to blunt the edge of the financial sting up front.

In true December fashion I am spending money like mad left and right.  Luckily years and years ago a GIFT category was added to my budget book.  Every pay period $125 is dumped in there.  At the end of the year whatever lump sum that has accumulated gets dropped onto the massive January credit card bill to help ease the pain significantly.