New surface, Relaxing, How can you miss me if I don’t go?

Last night when I got home Katie and DJ were still at the house so I got to hang out with my little buddy which always puts a smile on my face.  Because of my aching right shoulder I had to do all baby support exclusively with my left arm.  Later in the evening Katie called Cindy excitedly to report DJ took two or three steps unsupported for the first time which is cool.  It’s hard to believe he will be one year old already next month.

Cindy and I put together the new workbench for the hobby room.  This was ordered weeks ago online with Home Depot before finally showing up at the store on Tuesday.  The new surface goes above some my EUC’s but gives me more table area for printers or whatever else I want to up there.  I think the room is officially full at this point.

The Florida governor announced yesterday the initial relaxing of Covid 19 restrictions.  It definitely is a measured approach that will open stuff like beaches, parks and a number of other businesses albeit still at scaled back capacities.  A number of things remain closed, most notably for me, gyms.  All of this comes with strict social distancing still in place along with a recommendation to wear masks in public.

It will be interesting to see how the general public reacts to the relaxing of restrictions and what the result will be on the infection numbers.  My assumption is many people will not continue exercising the same restraint when not forced to as that is what human beings do.  It has become more and more apparent that the virus is not only droplet based but aerosol as well, which is the worst scenario, meaning it can float in the air for a couple hours, easily inhaled by others.  It makes sense based on how stupidly easy and lightning fast Covid 19 circled the globe.

Our office, which has remained closed to the public since March 20th is going to be reopening next Monday.  There will be some additional spit shields installed, plenty of hand sanitizer available and a recommendation for both customers and customer facing employees to wear masks.  They also will be imposing the same social distancing standards that were in place before the closing like only allowing 10 people in the customer lobby at a time.  It will be interesting to see what transpires once the doors are opened.

There was a message on our IT Coalition forum from a guy that was retiring after 36 years.  He is a funny, personable, high energy dude who will surely be missed.  However what got my attention was the title for his retirement post “How can you miss me if I don’t go?”  This simple statement rang true with me for some reason.  I think to some degree everyone is guilty of taking people and situations for granted throughout our lifetimes.  Sometimes the consequences are trivial, sometimes they are impactful, however they are always learning experiences.