Able to Adjust, Uphill Battle

Last night I put together my first batch of adjustable EUC stands.  As I went through the process I shot video to both promote the new stand and give some basic instruction on how it is supposed to be put together.  I have already sold two of the new design, despite them being the most expensive stands I have ever put out there.

At lunch today I utilized the parking garage for fitness once again although in a new manner.  Each day I normally try to walk up and down the long way, circling each of the six floors.  Today I decided to try to run the entire garage, up and down, twice.  It was an interesting challenge as my body is not at all accustomed to running hills of this angle, luckily the up ramps are not tremendously long.  I was sucking wind pretty bad once I got to the top deck the first time.  The good part of the experience is you get to recover somewhat running back down the structure.  I circled the ground floor and headed back up once more.  By the time I ran back to our building I had covered a little more than 5K of distance which just about perfect.  It felt good to take down the challenge.

My problematic shoulder pain which is approaching the two week mark has been improving slowly over the last two days.  It still is far from good but I do have more range of motion than I have had previously.  The key is to not do anything to re-aggravate injury so it can heal completely.  I think when I first started feeling better last weekend I overdid it.

Our area has started relaxing the restrictions starting yesterday.  Things like beaches and parks have reopened with social distancing still advised as well as wearing of masks.  Some other businesses are able to reopen with restrictions with limited public access.  It will be quite interesting to see how the infection numbers react as a result.  In our office spit shields are being installed, gallons of hand sanitizer brought in and employees are going to have their temperatures taken as they enter work.

This weekend hopefully is somewhat low key although I do have plans to come into the office on Saturday to knock out some off hours work I have been avoiding.