Better late

So yesterday some of the fill for the ground elevation project was supposed to be delivered.  I was only told that it would be delivered some time during the afternoon but not when.  Well 4:15 rolled around and Cindy said nobody had come yet.  I sent off a text to Miguel asking what was up and if the fill was still coming or not, which received no response.

When I got home from work and still saw no mountains of dirt I was pissed.  I called Miguel.  Of course he didn’t answer so I left a voicemail saying when I am told that stuff is going to get done at a certain time and we make arrangements for it, it needs to happen.  I got no response to the voicemail either.

So as we are watching TV somewhere after 7PM we see reflections on the wall moving.  Cindy looked outside and saw two large dump trucks in the road.  WTF, I am not sure if Miguel called the fill guys up and complained or if it just took them that long to get to us.  I quickly headed outside to direct them.

I am getting four loads of fill total.  I had them dump the two loads on the west side of the property.   Originally the guy talked about bringing a third load yet last night but time wise it would have been foolish as it would be dark by the time they returned.  They said they would bring the other two loads today.  After they left Miguel stopped by the house to drop off his skid loader and I gave him the check I wrote over a week ago as the deposit on the dirt/sod.  I chose to not bring up how piss poor his communication and follow through has been as I just want the work completed.  I felt that if I hammered him before that completes it would be counter-productive to my end goal.

I did finally break down and make an appointment with an orthopedist regarding my shoulder.  My appointment is next Monday.  Once again I have had some slight improvement in the shoulder the last two days.  I am hoping it does not follow the same pattern as before where I suddenly get thrust back into pain city.