Faster in the back

Although I had not planned this during the day, when I got home last night I got on the Husqvarna to mow the back part of the property which gets done once a month or so during wet season.  The fact that it was currently not that wet made me eager to take advantage of the situation and get this weekend list item crossed off early. It takes less time to mow the back so I finished up slightly before the sun dropped below the horizon.

As I drove around the perimeter of the yard I was reminded how a number of the fence posts are starting to show pretty significant rot/decay where they meet the ground.  As I mowed I thought about various scenarios to replace them, weighing in the effort/cost with each possible solution.  I need to to do a test run of popping out a rotting post and putting a new one in it’s place to see how arduous it is.  The results of that test will affect my strategy going forward.

Yesterday I had my first dermatologist office visit since the pandemic began.  I was masked for all but 30 seconds of the visit where he cut off two chunks of skin on my back and neck for testing.  They are likely more basal cell cancer but surprisingly he suggested if they test positive he recommended I use the topical cream to dissolve the bad cells instead of his normal template of having me come in to get them scraped/burned.  My only guess was he was trying to cut back on the number of patients requiring office visits which is fine for me but surprising because it equates to less dollars in his pocket.

This weekend will likely follow the standard template of working in high heat and humidity with small breaks in between where hopefully enjoyable things can be enjoyed.