More after hours, Hypocrisy is the norm

I was at the office for an extra hour last night to migrate our customer queuing solution to a new version.  The work only took about an hour but we have five more that need the same procedure done to them over the next couple weeks.  When combined with the swap out of the majority of our workstations at our branches we have a lot of balls in the air right now.

When I heard over the weekend that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died I cringed inside, knowing this was going to add one final toxic pile of diarrhea on top of an already disgusting 2020 presidential election.  She had been in poor health for quite awhile and I always got the sense that the GOP was circling like buzzards just waiting for an opportunity to further retard the Supreme Court back into the 20th century. As expected Mitch McConell and the very stable genius announced plans to try to ram through picking a replacement before the election which at this point is 6-7 weeks away.  The hypocrisy of this is amazing but unfortunately predictable.

If you are typical Trump supporter that has a memory that does not extend past the last 15 minutes of time, you may not recall prior to the 2016 election the GOP senate REFUSED to confirm Obama’s selection for the court.  Through a bunch of dirty tricks and stall tactics they put off the confirmation for almost an entire year, saying they felt it was only fair to wait until after the election for this decision to be made, since after all it is a lifetime appointment with ramifications that can last decades.

Now suddenly this selection needs to be ram rodded through according to the GOP, not a fck is to be had about the election.  When the hypocrisy of the situation was pointed out to Mitch his response was more or less, “too bad, so sad”.  I have said for a long time that the lifetime appointment of supreme court justices is moronic, at the same level as the lack of term limits in the US senate which allows boot lickers like McConnell to fester and grow over decades.  Of course I can’t change whatever the eventual outcome is, I can only hope that it is simply one more example on top of the hundreds of prior ones, just how corrupt this big league administration has been which will hopefully lead to it’s ousting in a few weeks.  I would love to be able to finally move past this point in history that will clearly be defined as the most embarrassing and ridiculous presidency in the history of the United States.