No sense, The Joys, It’s a Zoo

Yesterday after work I stopped at Sam’s Club.  After a smooth trip I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to grab coffee for Cindy and myself.   As I approached the store I saw the drive thru line was empty, except for one car that turned in just ahead of me.  So as I sat there I slowly found myself getting more and more aggravated by the woman in the SUV in front of me.  She first asked if they had a good selection of donuts left.  When she was told they did she began a painfully slow order where she ordered one by one after asking the DD employee to list every type of donut they had available.  As the employee listed the donuts the woman asked for some feedback about certain varieties. It was maddening.  In total she was ordering for at least 5 minutes.

By the end of it I had lost control of my ability to restrain myself from making loud commentary on this woman’s life choices out my rolled down window.  By the end of her marathon session there were half a dozen cars behind me. I have had a life long frustration with people that don’t understand the issue with doing long and/or complex orders through the drive thru window at Dunkin Donuts.  I always felt that a drive thru was designed for quick in and out orders and if I needed something more involved like picking out what dozens I want, it makes sense to walk my fat ass inside and pick them out 1st person, instead of having the employee rattle off everything over an intercom.  Yes it’s a first world problem that means absolutely zero in the grand scheme of things but in that moment in time, it annoyed me greatly, all the same.

Last few days I have been hobbling around like a nursing home resident.  I did squats at the gym Wednesday.  There is no squat rack there so in order for me to barbell squat I have to clean the weight up to my chest, press it over my head, lower it onto my shoulders and then do my reps.  I then reverse the process at the end of the set.  There is normally a lot of cracking and crunching sounds in my back when doing this but this time the sounds were accompanied by bad lower back pain that evening.  That has now teamed up with soreness in my lower body from the deep squats so I feel like a rusty old wheelbarrow right about now.  The joys of aging can not be overstated.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be fantastic.  We hope to take advantage of it on Sunday with a trip to the Zoo with Katie and DJ.  It should be a fun little family outing.  I’ve only been to the zoo down here a few times.  I love animals so the zoo is a good fit for me but I now find myself feeling much more guilt and sadness about animals being forced to live in captivity.  Walking around with my little buddy will be fun regardless of my feelings about the animals situation.