Told on them, Buggy bowling

I neglected to mention that once again our local Dunkin Donuts was engaging it’s door locking, drive thru only shenanigans this past weekend.  I decided to do some research and find out who owned the local Dunkin franchises, I knew one person owned a bunch of them.  Through some newspaper articles I found a name which I then found on Facebook.  His profile included a picture of a little girl surrounded by donuts so I was pretty sure I had the right guy.  I sent him a FB message asking if he owned the local Collier franchises and hoped to get a response.  Imagine my surprise when he confirmed he was the guy a little while later.

I gave him the background of the last two weeks with random door locking as their way to deal with light staffing along with the repeated scenes of angry and confused customers since there was no signage indicating what was going on.  I said I just wanted to make him aware of the situation in case he did not know.  Once again I got a response, surprisingly. He said there have always been challenges with staffing during the winter down here but he was not aware that this location was locking it’s door.  He thanked me for letting him know about it.  I don’t know if there will be any impact from my reaching out but hopefully somebody realizes that locking the front door is not the answer to the problem.

Katie, Cindy and I had another late night VR session, this time primarily trying out virtual bowling.  Unfortunately the multiplayer experience in this game is buggy and confusing.  Katie and I did manage to bowl a couple games against each other.  My real life bowling accomplishments didn’t translate that well to virtual bowling, Katie beat me in both games.  Even in defeat it was a fun experience.  At one point Katie and I lost the ability to talk so Katie was saying funny stuff and singing.  All of a sudden she heard someone else in the virtual lane say they could hear her, which was hilarious.

I also was able to get Half Life Alyx working wirelessly which is so much better for the immersion process.  Having a wire trip you up all the time is a bit distracting.  I had all of the tools already in place to make it work, I just had to install a patch for the Virtual Desktop app to complete the loop.  I am currently stuck in some courtyard and have to figure out how to get out.