Skip it, Overhead, Twice, Boiled over, Lost

When I went home Friday I was planning to take my road bike with it’s brand new front tire out for a 10 mile ride.  Of course hard rain once again washed that plan away.  I am so tired of oppressive precipitation at this point.

On Saturday part of my mental list included weed whacking but at some point I talked myself out of it.  The ground was still waterlogged making mowing a bad idea, why weed whack if the grass in the main lawn is going to be shaggy anyway? I gave myself a rare pass on a household chore that was on the LIST.   Elsa and I ran some errands which included stopping over to see Cindy to do a PEV swap.  I brought her the Minipro and picked up the Dualtron to be brought back home and hopefully sold.  If I sell it I’ll use some of the funds to get Cindy a PEV that works out better for her.  I also dropped off a laptop that I redid for her to use.  It’s modern enough to comfortably run Windows 10.  I also got her on a VPN since the WIFI where she is at is wide open, and dangerous.

I did tackle one annoying list item, finish painting the spare bedroom.  Cindy had started the task but the ceiling needed to be done as well to better blend with the walls.  I was hoping there was enough paint left to get the room completely done.  If I haven’t mentioned it before, I hate painting.  I really hate painting ceilings.  To save paint and cut down on mess I decided to use a 4 inch brush for the work instead of a roller.  I worked slowly, bringing in an auxiliary light to help me identify where I did and did not paint since the two shades of white were not that far apart.  I was happy that I not only had enough paint for the ceiling but also to go over a few places on the walls where the coverage was a bit light.  When everything dried it looked good enough.  It felt good to have that room cleaned up and ready for whatever use I have for it down the road.

I had a bit of an incident as I boiled pasta on Saturday night.  I heard the unwelcomed sound of water hitting a hot surface.  The pot was boiling over badly, creating a huge mess on the glass top stove.  The good news is the pasta still came out well.  The bad news was I spent a lot of time getting the stove cleaned up later.

On Saturday afternoon I also got a chance to do my first day time ride on the Z10.  I took it to the nearby DD for some afternoon coffee.  I really am enjoying the wheel, the style of riding it is unique because of the way it was put together with an extremely low center of gravity. In the video I talked about how the upcoming holiday season is going to be a struggle for me.  I am not really sure if I should act like they don’t exist or act like it’s business as usual.  Both options have their own unique challenges.

Sunday felt pretty casual since I did not have an Eagles game on the schedule that consumes 3-4 hours in an afternoon.  In the morning I installed my new wheel cover delete kit for the Model Y.  This was the last real “mod” I had left on my immediate list.  I prefer exposing the good looking alloys on the car.

Mid-afternoon I loaded up the Z10 and my camera gear to head down to the Greenway, a venue I have not ridden in many months.  I brought the 360 camera, thinking it would do a good job of capturing some of the beauty that ride contains.  I had a great ride of over 90 minutes.  When I got back home and started editing the footage I was angry when I discovered that somehow I put the camera into the incorrect shooting mode.  I had no appreciable footage, just real tiny video files.  There was nothing I could do about it other than be frustrated with myself.  I still made a video out of the dumpster fire anyway, trying to make some lemonade out of a bunch of lemons.

The rest of my evening was pretty chill.  My biggest hope for this week is it just stops, raining….