Rained out, Comes with the territory

Part of my plan with doing the mowing Tuesday and Wednesday evening was I would go ride Victoria Park on Thursday.  Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate, a cold front blew through last night bringing almost two hours of severe storms, washing away my plans.  I instead spent my night cutting out stickers on the Cameo vinyl cutter while trying to assure Sadie and Elsa, both of them are scared of storms.  I did also get one online game in with Griffin, he has stopped playing the tower defense game more or less so I haven’t had to opportunity to connect with him much.

I am debating if I want to try to ride VP tonight or Saturday night.  I just have concerns that both nights, especially Saturday will be a shit show of humanity, making riding rather unenjoyable.

One of the trade offs with being an internet content creator is opening yourself up to commentary, both good and bad.  Everyone has an opinion and the web has made expressing that extremely easy and inconsequential.  Luckily for the most part I take harsh comments pretty harmlessly.  I am self deprecating in many situations and always have a large surplus of sarcasm on hand to feed people if needed.  Last night I got a comment that made me laugh out loud, literally.

It is very typical to get a poll that will stir shit up from a known drama queen, like this talking neck with an irritating voice.

Instead of getting bent out of shape or defensive about it, I plan to utilize this comment as some comedic relief in my next video. Thanks for the content!

The weather this weekend looks to be pretty fantastic with lower humidity and lower temperatures.  Getting the mowing out of the way this week opens up my schedule a bit.