A lot for a little

Last night I decided I was going to “cook” dinner which in my world means basically any meal that involves more prep than 5 minutes in the microwave.  I went all out, putting my cooking skills to the test with a meal of fish sticks, mac n cheese, AND baked chocolate chip cookies.  Using the oven and boiling water at the same time took some careful balancing and precision but I managed to come out with something edible in the end.  It also resulted in more clean up than is typically allotted.

I have still been working through my Lastpass password list.  It is a much more daunting task than I first imagined.  What I have found is in more recent times I have been using significantly stronger passwords but I was still using them in some situations on multiple sites.  Luckily Lastpass makes it very easy to identify these duplications.  One password I finally changed last night was associated with my YouTube account which somehow had not been changed since 2012, a gross oversight.  I have a feeling I will be running into more WTF password realities as this process continues.

I am getting close to finishing Squid Game.  It’s pretty compelling stuff if you can not get bent out of shape about the inherent violence in the story.