Riced, Rest, Rotten

As I hoped I left a little early yesterday to get home to deal with the end result of Sadie’s GI issues.  On the way home I stopped at Target to buy boneless chicken breast, rice, and a rice cooker since I didn’t have one.  After picking up that stuff I stopped at DD to get my afternoon coffee and had another shitty experience.

This location for years used to be my favorite DD.  I knew a lot of the staff, they were friendly, relatively speedy and got your order right.  Every single person from that crew has moved on, the last couple years it has been a revolving door that has resulted in the place dropping from first to worst in terms of customer experience.

Extreme slowness has been the norm and yesterday was another example.  Despite only four vehicles being in the drive thru line it took me 15 minutes to get to the window.  People were at the menu for minutes with no communication from the staff inside.  Once I was handed my large “hot” coffee and drove out of the lot the first sip revealed it was room temperature and they got the cream and sugar wrong.  I didn’t have the time or energy to go inside to get a new drink so I just forced it down on the drive home.  The caffeine was the most important thing I needed anyway since I got so little sleep the night before.

When I got home I cautiously stepped foot in the door, worried I would instantly smell dog shit.  I didn’t.  I surveyed the rooms and the lanai as well, no signs of defecation revealed themselves which was a big relief.  I theorized that Sadie had emptied her tank the night before.  Whatever the reason I was glad to not walk into a shit show, literally.

So believe it or not, despite being on the planet for nearly 54 years I do not believe I ever have cooked rice before.  My introduction to it was pretty painless.  The instructions for the cooker were simple, measure out the rice and then add the appropriate amount of water based on how much rice you added.  The rice took somewhere around 45 minutes.  The chicken breast prep was pretty simple too, just boil for around 15 minutes.  Once both things were done I combined them in Sadie’s food dish.  I took her rapid cleaning of her plate as a stamp of approval on my chicken/rice preparation skills.

Last night was a much calmer one for all involved.  Once I fell asleep I stayed that way until the 5:35 AM alarm, thank goodness. Tonight I am considering throwing a wheel in the truck and riding the Greenway into Naples proper to do some Xmas light gazing.  Never did it before which is a good indicator that I should do it now.