Checking it twice

I am now in the point of December where I need to get serious about crossing names off my Xmas buying list.  According to my calculations I have 10 people I still need to buy for.  I am hoping by end of the weekend that list is considerably shorter.

I am walking around like an 85 year old man, the end result of squatting on Wednesday for the first time in probably three weeks.  It’s crazy how severe the soreness can be after squatting if I don’t do it weekly.  I am only using light weight, 135LBS.  I keep the weight light to ensure I get my ROM as deep as I comfortably can which gives you the best overall benefit but also brings the pain as you are using muscles in ways they aren’t taxed in many everyday scenarios.

Last night I got around to editing the footage from my Tuesday night ride in downtown Naples.  I think it turned out half decent even though a GoPro is pretty lousy normally in shooting in low light conditions.

I am doing a holiday live stream tonight where I will be giving away some surplus items, acting as a virtual Santa.  I have Xmas and non-Xmas related tasks to get done over the weekend but nothing overly oppressive at this point which is fine by me.