A Christmas Miracle, Last of it

Yesterday I got a text from my brother in law that I could not believe, it was their cat, Higgins, in a live trap.  You may recall my mentioning that the got out of the yard a few days before I visited them in Texas.  They did tons of searching for him, posted signs on poles and in social media but had no luck.  Everyone pretty much resigned themselves that Higgins was gone, not knowing his fate weighed heavily on everyone, even me.  Whenever I was out with them in the neighborhood I was scanning, hoping to see a tabby cat.

So seeing the picture of Higgins alive in a cage nearly a month later was pretty amazing.  The story goes that an old man was in front of their house, saw the lost cat sign on the post and told my brother-in-law that he thought he saw this cat in a storm culvert nearby.  Damon and the family headed there and Higgins was indeed there but scared and would not come.  A friend of theirs had a live trap so they baited it with chicken and came back a little later to find the cat took the bait.  I couldn’t believe it.

I wondered how he scraped by for a month being he is a domestic cat with no roughing it skills.  Torrin said he lost weight as you would expect.  They gave him a bath and were taking him to the vet to make sure he is ok.  I was so happy for both Higgins and my sisters family, it was truly a Christmas Miracle.

Yesterday I was at our new office which is massive and beautiful.  I was getting it attached to our network so it can communicate with our back end systems.  This location is less than 10 miles from my house so I am trying to schedule the visits in the afternoon if possible so I can just shoot home afterward.  The location is due to be open in less than a month so my tasks are going to ramp up massively until this happens.

Today is my last day as a 53 year old man.  Just reading that sentence makes me cringe. It will be quite interesting to see how my 54th year on the planet works out.