The BIG day

Yes today is my birthday but the only thing BIG about it is the number, 54.  It certainly has no correlation to my personal feelings about my birthday as I typically lament the passing of each and every year instead of celebrating it.  I know I probably say this every year in the blog but only because it is true.

It just seems so weird to be saying out loud that I am this age, an age I can very clearly remember my parents being and recalling that it did not seem all that long ago.   I remember thinking someone in their 50s was basically a senior citizen in my youth.  I remember 15 years ago a guy doing service at my house saying that once you turn 50, every year is a dog year.  I remember thinking that was a funny statement at that time.  I have now discovered that it is also a very truthful statement.

Obviously this has been a very different year for me, the most different in nearly a decade.  I am anticipating the next revolution around the sun to bring with it more change than I have experienced in quite awhile.