Let it simmer

I am already half way through the new work week.  Returning to cleaning the chicken coop by spotlight at 5:45 AM was not a welcome change.  Since returning to work I conducted my first job interviews where I was the primary decision maker in the process.  It is actually quite a tough job market from an employer perspective, there have been far less resumes coming in than the last time we had an opening.  However I think we may have gotten really lucky and found a candidate that could be a near perfect fit for the job.  I am crossing my fingers it all works out.

I have not done any deep introspection on how I envision myself being in charge of our department which is small in number but HUGE in organization responsibility.  I need to have capable and trusted people working for me.  I am not the type of person that gets off on wielding power over people to satisfy my ego or make them grovel for recognition.  Instead I try to stick to my general philosophy of treating others like you would like to be treated. In that regard my short term effort has been to reward those that do a good job for me.  It helps them and helps me in the bigger picture and longer term.

Another part of my personality that I am aware of is how I need to process and evaluate requests made of me.  Quite often my knee jerk reaction to something may be negative but if I am allowed to digest things further I may come to a different conclusion.  So for example I try to avoid blurting out NO, even if that is I how I am feeling initially.  Instead “let me think about it and get back to you” is a more tactful response.  Of course you can’t be the type of person that says that as a crutch and then never actually thinks about it.

I am slowly healing up from my series of falls during my GT testing.  I have bruises on my hip and back as well as some nasty brush burns.  I am no longer walking with a limp at least.  I should be going back to my typical less risk filled riding habits now that the flurry of testing is done.  Last night I tried on my new lower body hip/ass crash pads.  I need to wear them consistently.

I have been trying some techniques to short circuit some of the negative thought loops I referred to in the last entry. It probably won’t work. Get it?